Monday, May 6, 2013


Week 18


Date : 29.4.2013.

Day    : Monday.

Period : 1 & 2 (0705-0815)

Class : 4K10.

Subject : Science.

Theme : Chapter 4 : Matter and subtance

Learning objective :

    1.    Understanding metal and non metal concept.

Learning outcome : Student should be able to :-

    1. List the examples of metal and non-metal.

2. List the properties of metal and non-metal.

3. List the uses of metal and non-metal in daily life.

Teaching Aids : Science F4 Text book, Process Skill book.

Activity : By using the text book page 94, student find the elements and start filling the table with proton number and nucleon number. Teacher will assist student how to count.

Noble value : Make the invisible visible.

Reflection : All the above objective achieved.







Date : 29.4.2013.

Day    : Monday.

Period : 5, 6 & 7 (0940-1130)

Class : 6AS.

Subject : Biology.

Theme : Topic 12 : Immunity.

Learning objective :

    1.    Understanding the development if immunity.

Learning outcome : Student should be able to :-

    1. Explain cell mediated immunity and humoral responses.

2.    Outline the antigen – antibody reaction (precipitation, agglutination, neutralization and complement fixation).

Teaching Aids : Software cd, LCD projector and some question base on everyday experience.

Activity : Teacher run the cd and at the same time explanation are given base on question from         the students.

Noble value : Make the invisible visible.

Reflection : All the above objective achieved.






Date : 30.4.2013.

Day    : Tuesday.

Period : 5 (0945-1020)

Class : 4K10.

Subject : Science.

Theme : Chapter 4 : Matter and substance

Learning objective :

    1.    Understanding the physical properties of metal and non metal.

Learning outcome : Student should be able to :-

    1. Read page 100 section 4.6.2 and table 4.7

2.    Answer quiz question e.g : Alluminium is used as a building material of an ………..

Teaching Aids : Science F4 Text book, Process Skill book.

Activity : Teacher start with reading session with the students. Than quiz question.

Noble value : Make the invisible visible.

Reflection : All the above objective achieved.








Date : 1.5.2013.

Day    : Wednesday.

Period : 2, 3 & 4 (0740-0925)

Class : 6AS.

Subject : Biology.

Theme : Topic 12 : Immunity

Learning objective :

    1.     Understanding concept of self and non-self.

Learning outcome : Student should be able to :-

    1. Explain the concept of self and non-self and relate this to tissue rejection in organ transplant.

2.    Explain the mechanism of immune suppressor..

Teaching Aids : Software cd, LCD projector and some question base on everyday experience.

Activity : Teacher run the cd and at the same time explanation are given base on question from         the students.

Noble value : Make the invisible visible.

Reflection : All the above objective achieved.







Date : 2.5.2013.

Day    : Thursday.

Period : 1 & 2 (0705-0815)

Class : 6AS.

Subject : Biology.

Theme : Topic 12 : Immunity.

Learning objective :

    1.     Understanding HIV

Learning outcome : Student should be able to :-

    1. Explain mode of transmission, prevention, treatment.


Teaching Aids : Software cd, LCD projector and some question base on everyday experience.

Activity : Teacher run the cd and at the same time explanation are given base on question from         the students.

Noble value : Make the invisible visible.

Reflection : All the above objective achieved.








Date : 3.5.2013.

Day    : Friday.

Period : 7 & 8 (1040-1140)

Class : 4K10.

Subject : Science.

Theme : Chapter 4 : Matter and substance

Learning objective :

    1.    Understanding the properties and uses of metal and non-metals

Learning outcome : Student should be able to :-

    1. List examples of metals and non-metals.

2.    List the properties of metal and non-metals.

3. Compare and contrast metals and non-metals based on their physical properties.

Teaching Aids : Science F4 Text book, Process Skill book.

Activity : Teacher start with simple explanation about atom and its structure. Then list down the subatomic particles and the position in the atom. Let the student ask question about the atom.

Noble value : Make the invisible visible.

Reflection : All the above objective achieved.



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